martes, 17 de julio de 2012


For 6 persons


- 1 kilo (2.2 lb) of potato yellow
- ½ red onion punctured in pictures
- 2 cooked well eggs
- 8 olives
- salt
- pepper
- ¼ cup of oil
- 1 spoonful of yellow chili fresh, liquefied or ground
- 2 lemons
- parsley to adorn
- tomatoes punctured in pictures
- ½ k (1.1 lb) of fresh tuna or 2 tins of tuna of 180 g (6 oz) in oil
- 2 avocadoes
- 2 cups of mayonnaise
- Optional You pull pepper (to adorn)


Place the potato in a pot with salt to boil them. Then they all peel and they flatten so that a mash is formed. The mash will be kneaded and will make up with white pepper, salt, lemon, chili and finally oil. Then the tuna will join together with the mayonnaise and with the bad onion.

 Later it will re-turn quite. To expand on a thin rectangular plastic, the potato already mellow and elaborated.

Put above the potato expanded the tuna, slices of avocado, tomato and to begin to coil. To go coiled to refreshing for an hour, then to separate the plastic and to place on one tray. Decorate the put in the tray, with parsley, bad olives, cooked bad egg, avocado in slices (with drops of lemon in order which they do not become black) and only if it is wished, then a bit of mayonnaise and a few strips of pepper.

Recommendations: If it is thought to use tuna in tin: to ripen with lemon and bad onion. But if fresh tuna is used, it is baked by salt and by white pepper.

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