martes, 17 de julio de 2012


For 6 persons


- 1 k of potato yellow (or white)
- lettuce
- 400 g of fresh cheese (ricotta, feta or cabin)
- 4 olives of earthenware jug
- 2 cooked eggs
- ½ cup of vegetable oil
- 2 peeled garlic cloves
- 5 yellow chili fresh
- salt
- optional: quantity of milk to the taste


In first place extract the veins and the pepas to the chili in order that they do not sting. Then wash them well and to scrub one against other one.

Then little oil will warm in a frying pan and santearan the chilis cut together with the entire garlics.

In a blender place the preparation and then add oil and the cheese. Remove until finally a cream stays. If the cream is very thick it might add a jet of milk until with the wished thickness.

 The cream will serve itself on potatoes cooked that have to be cut in halves. Then it will be possible adorn placing on you them eat with the cream, eggs cooked in tracks, olives and leaves of lettuce.

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